Empowering First Class Leadership
We are an association for first class townships, officially known as the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Commissioners (PSATC). We represent the Keystone State’s first class townships and their elected governing officials before the Pennsylvania General Assembly and the Commonwealth’s various agencies.
In this role, we provide our members with legislative advocacy, educational resources and networking opportunities. PSATC’s goal is to continue to evolve as an organization and create more vibrant communities by empowering the first class townships we represent.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is home to 2,560 local governments with 93 of these municipalities operating as a Township of the First Class.
Is your township first class?
Generally found in the “urban ring” around Pennsylvania’s cities, Townships of the First Class operate under the Pennsylvania First Class Township Code, which establishes a Board of Commissioners* as the governing body of the Township. Each First Class Township has a minimum of five commissioners elected for a four-year term either by wards or at-large.
The Board of Commissioners can appoint a professional Township Manager to serve as its Chief Administrative Officer managing essential matters including operations, fiscal management and human resources.
With a population of at least 300 persons per square mile, First Class Townships provide essential public services to millions of Pennsylvania residents, businesses and visitors each day including police, fire, sanitation, storm water and recreation while working to build vibrant, thriving communities.
*Townships of the First Class can elect to become a Home Rule Municipality providing an ability to change its governing body.
Our stats at a glance: